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Installing and configuring iTALC 2.0.2

Today, we are going to install and configure iTALC 2.0.2 on Windows computer – both teacher and student.

Whether you have 32 or 64 bit version, it will install into C:\Program Files\iTALC

During the instalation, choose "iTALC Master" option only on the teacher computer.



Teacher computer

In the Management Console, we will focus on the "Authentication" tab. Very important is to uncheck the "ACL-based logon authentication".

The "Key file authentication" should be checked.

Then press the "Launch key file assistant". Then choose the "Create new access key (master computer)" radio button.

In the "Select user role" menu, you can choose any role, but remember, that the same role must be on student PC when importing the key.

Then choose location for exported public key, that you will import into student PC.

Copy this file named "italc_public_key.key.txt" to accessible place from student PC (web page, USB drive, …)


Student computer

In the Management Console, we will focus on the "Authentication" tab. Very important is to uncheck the "ACL-based logon authentication".

The "Key file authentication" should be checked.

Then press the "Launch key file assistant". Then choose the "Import public key (client computer)" radio button.

In the "Select user role" menu, choose the same role as you choosed during key generating on the teacher PC.

Now, find the public key that you copied from teacher PC named "italc_public_key.key.txt" and import it.


Now focus on the  first tab "General". If you do not want students to know about iTALC program, check both "Hide tray icon" and "Autostart",

press "Apply" and wait for service restarting.


If you want to check wether iTALC is running, find "icas" in running services on your system.


Adding classroom

You can add classroom on the teacher PC only. When you open iTALC, second tab on the left is "Classroom-Manager".

Click right button on the white space, choose "Add classroom" and type name ot it.

Then click right mouse button on the white space again, and choose "Add computer"

There, you can type name, IP address, MAC address and assign into the classroom.


If you want to add entire classroom in one step, you can use XML file. Here is an example:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE italc-config-file>
<globalclientconfig version="2.0.2">
    <classroom name="Class">
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:01" type="0" id="1313" name="Class-1"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:0a" type="0" id="782872" name="Class-10"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:02" type="0" id="202695" name="Class-2"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:01" type="0" id="848026" name="Class-3"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:04" type="0" id="613427" name="Class-4"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:05" type="0" id="503184" name="Class-5"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:06" type="0" id="590963" name="Class-6"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:07" type="0" id="367308" name="Class-7"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:08" type="0" id="939485" name="Class-8"/>
      <client hostname="" mac="00:11:22:33:44:09" type="0" id="862811" name="Class-9"/>


This is an example of the "GlobalConfig.xml" file. There is no such way how to import it. You have to find the file (by default in %APPDATA\GlobalConfig.xml)

and rewrite it.

You can add several classrooms into one file. After rewriting it, classrooms and computers will appear in your iTALC program.

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