In this article I will configure, debug and shows the process of RIPv2 authentication.
This example shows how to generate 254 loop interfaces with assigned ipv4 addresses up to The code is:
for {set i 0} {$i < 256} {incr i} {
ios_config "int loop $i" "ip address 172.16.$i.1"
ios_config "end"
and you may just simply copy and paste it into a Cisco router CLI. Therefore first run tclsh within of privileged EXEC mode
Recovering from a Lost or Forgotten Password
The default configuration for the switch allows an end user with physical access to the switch to recover from a lost password by interrupting the boot process during power-on and by entering a new password. These recovery procedures require that you have physical access to the switch.
Sometimes in my lab happens that students delete IOS of the switch from its flash. Unfortunately switches does not have rommon to realize quick IOS recovery over tftp. Only one way is over Xmodem.
Cat 2960 switchIOS recovery
To speed up the process of the recovery we may setup Xmodem speed to higher rate as default 9600 bits:
Notes: Loki is a Python based framework implementing many packet generation and attack modules for Layer 3 protocols, including BGP, LDP, OSPF, VRRP and quite a few others.
There is some confusion and misunderstanding regarding VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol)+DTP (Dynamic Trunking Protocol) and this article will hopefully make it all clear. Most of the confusion comes from the statement that VTP is always a security threat to your network. There are even some CCIE material which I find to be wrong on this topic so my advice here is to test everything by yourself.
We investigate a special topology condition, where a switch is connected itself on ports Faa0/1 and Fa0/2, and one of the port has BPDUFilter feature applied (i.e. simulating STP is switched off). Both ports are in the same vlan (vlan 1 here). The question is: Is there a topology loop?
Initial state
Teaching CCNP ROUTE courses and describing the problematic of two-way routing redistribution I need an example describing the case which point out to the process of creating a routing loop. This example shows how such routing loop may arise using badly configured redistribution process andusing bad seed metric. The topology with two redisitributing routers creates routing feedback (two way, multipoint redistribution). The loop is created for packets routed from the ospf network to the destination network.