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Category: IPv6

Statefull NAT64 – simple configuration example on Cisco routers

The example shows a simplified configuration of a Statefull NAT64 demo, without DNS64. I instruct the stateful NAT64 router (CSR-1 – CSR100v) to translate IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets (and vice versa) using algorithmic mapping (defined by RFC 6052) of IPv4 addresses of IPv4 routers to and from IPv6 addresses by using manually defined IPv6 prefix 2001:db8::/96). In a similar manner, the IPv6 addresses of IPv6 routes are translated to and from IPv4 addresses.


R1/R2 run 7200 IOS image., R1 is pure IPv4 router, on the other site, R2 is IPv6 only.

Configuring IMS Boghe to use SIP over IPv6 for an IETF SIP network

After some testing I have found another SIP client, which shoud be used for SIP over IPv6 testing. The first one is Linhpone and the second one is IMS Boghe client. Right, Boghe is mainly IMS client, but may be used as an IETF SIP client, which allows to register and use an IETF SIP based network.

To make it working using IPv6 you have to change the following. Start the client and from the main menu choose Tools and Options.