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Author: palo73

1 Úvod

1 Úvod

1.1 Dokument

Tento dokument vznikol ako semestrálna práca z predmetu Širokopásmové siete. Na cvičeniach som mal za úlohu nakonfigurovať počítač, aby fungoval ako ATM router v operačnom systéme Linux. Na konci semestra takto prezentujem získané vedomosti a skúsenosti s technológiou ATM v Linuxe.

1.0 Základná koncepcia ATM

1.0 Základná koncepcia ATM

Charakteristika B-ISDN

Andrej Krivulčík – Integrated CMS-based portal on networking technologies

The object of this thesis is to analyze possibilites, design and create a web portal concerning networking technologies. The portal is supposed
to be based on a CMS system chosen with respect to required portal functionality. In addition to determining the needed means and deploying selected components, the task was to create graphical designs for the portal.

Leader: Ing. Pavel Segeč, PhD.
