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Moloch – Usage possibilities of Moloch

Usage possibilities of Moloch

  • Author : Tomáš Mokoš

Moloch offers many distinct usage possibilities, the set of which is not limited to the ones mentioned down below and can be expanded by individual users, provided they can find other applications of this service:

    • DOS attacks – Analysis of connections suspected of originating DOS attacks.
    • Geolocation – Identification of connection’s country of origin.
    • Access Intelligence – Helps with the analysis of authorized/non-authorized access to system resources, applications, servers, system operation and different functions. You can also perform depth analysis (with the use of tagging) of a particular system, application or service running in the network
    • Port connection usage – amount of connections on a particular port.
    • URL connection usage – amount of connections tied to a particular URL by requests.
    • Data volumes

    As an example, we will show you the use of Moloch for analysis of the CICIDS 2017 dataset, where we analyze a DDoS Hulk attack. First, we filter the traffic. Using the command tags == CICIDS2017_WEDNESDAY && ip.dst == we extract the traffic from the day of the attack with the webserver’s IP as the destination address.