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Author: palo73

Site-to-Site IKEv2 IPSec VPN using Pre-Shared Key Authentication – simple configuration example for two Cisco routers

This config example shows a Site-to-Site configuration of IPsec VPN established between two Cisco routers. VPN will use IKEv2 protocol with PreSharedKey (PSK) remote-site authentication. Topology simulates a Branch router connected over an ISP to the HQ router. There are several options for how to configure IKEv2. In this example, I’m using the symmetric PSK witch crypto map, where the IKEv2 process is started by ACL that identifies interesting traffic. I also do not use GRE tunnel for the interconnection of both sides, instead, simple static default routes are used.


Configuration runs on GNS3 emulator and I’m using the CSR1000v platform with version 16.12.01a IOS XE as the older ISR platform (7200 15.4 IOS) does not support IKEv2. On real devices, IKEv2 is supported on Cisco ISR Generation 2 (G2) that runs Cisco IOS software version 15.2(4)M or later (for example 29xx ISR), ASA with 8.4.(1) and later (including ASA 5510).

Parrot OS v5.0 – How to manually install VirtualBox guest additions


Variant 1 => using official online parrot repo

sudo su -

# update packages list and upgrade packages
apt update && apt upgrade -y

# install virtualbox guest additions from the Parrot repo
apt install virtualbox-guest-utils

# install the package
apt install virtualbox-guest-x11

# reboot the system

Now the resize should work.

Variant 2 => using VBox Guest addition image

Now we will install Vbox guest addition using VBox option.

How to install Microstack on Virtualbox with Ubuntu guest OS

MicroStack is an OpenStack distribution for Ubuntu, which is suitable for the deployment of fully functional OpenStack on a single machine. Installation is quite straightforward.

My environment

  • Host system: Win 10 Pro 64bit
  • VirtualBox 6.1.25r 64bit
  • Guest System:
    • clear server install of Ubuntu 20.04.3 :LTS with bridged networking
    • 4GB of RAM
    • 4 vPCU
    • 100GB of HDD (the size is officially recommended, but mainly is used for hosting virtual VMs)

    Single node installation steps using snap

    Official guides use the snap system, where all applications are packaged with all their dependencies. All the microstack installation is relatively fast, taking no more than 15 minutes.

Statefull NAT64 – simple configuration example on Cisco routers

The example shows a simplified configuration of a Statefull NAT64 demo, without DNS64. I instruct the stateful NAT64 router (CSR-1 – CSR100v) to translate IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets (and vice versa) using algorithmic mapping (defined by RFC 6052) of IPv4 addresses of IPv4 routers to and from IPv6 addresses by using manually defined IPv6 prefix 2001:db8::/96). In a similar manner, the IPv6 addresses of IPv6 routes are translated to and from IPv4 addresses.


R1/R2 run 7200 IOS image., R1 is pure IPv4 router, on the other site, R2 is IPv6 only.

How to later integrate Solar-Putty with GNS3 as the preferred console application

Starting the GNS3 version 2.1.10, Solar-Putty is packaged as the default SSH client. However, how to integrate it to GNS3 later? As it was not selected during the GNS3 installation? Follow:

1. Download the Solar Putty application from Puty is zipped, therefore after the download has completed, unzip the Solar-PuTTY.exe application file to your preferred application folder. I used the C:\Program Files (x86)\Solar-Putty\ for that.

Multi tabbed, multi execution telnet/ssh clients

Working on our practical networking lessons our students and I, as their teacher, we are usually configuring several routers and switches (sometimes up to ten), which are accessible remotely. For this, we welcome the use of multi-tabbed and especially multi execution clients.

They allow us to eficiently organize working space and run commands in one task on all connected network equipments (for example to save running config).

How to easily add Open vSwitch to GNS3

Open vSwitch (OVS) is a multilayer (MLS) virtual switch licensed under the open-source Apache 2.0 license which is widely used in the field of virtual networking. With this open-source MLS switch, we can easily extend GNS3 switching capabilities. We can add this switch to GNS3 very quickly using a GNS3 OVS appliance. No base Linux system VM is required, no ISO images.

In this post I’m going to describe how to add and run OVS MLS inside of the GNS3 (local or remote).

VLC – SAP problem – the playlist is empty

Our ISP provider (SANET) offers an IPTV service, where the list of TV/radio programs is offered using SAP multicast at IPv4 address of However, my PC (with Win 10 OS installed) stopped receiving the SAP announcements, and the playlist was just empty. All works fine but once it stopped. Even better, it works for some of my colleagues, but not for others

My PC runs dual-stack, i.e. my network works with IPv4/IPv6. My PC has several network adapters as I’m running some virtualization software.