The article describes how to add simple database support for the Kamailio 3.1.0 server. As the database ext files are used. Activities described here are following the basic Kamailio server installation, described in the article Installing Kamailio 3.1 on debian lenny.
We are trying this as the part of our performance tests.
apt-get update
apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
Na úvodnom cvičení z predmetu Počítačové siete 3 sme sa zaoberali rôznymi programami na prenos hlasu cez IP (VOIP), ktoré používajú protokol akým je napríklad SIP. Tento návod by mal pomôcť pri nastavovaní Ekigy.
Najprv sme si vytvorili účty na verejnom SIP serveri (
Následne sme nainštalovali program Qutecom 4.5.0 a prihlásili sme sa naň pomocou novovytvorených účtov na serveri .
1. Installation
Prepare debian system, guide notes that it have to be lenny 64bit, first problem, installation did not work on lenny and latest sipwise provider require 6.x version of debian (squeeze), otherwise your installation will not be sucesfull. OS install without X win and other sw (use netinstall iso for example) with basic configuration.
Migration from 3.1.2 to Kamailio 3.2 requires upgrade of installed packages, database structures and configuration file.
Upgrade of Packages
First, we have to add correct debian repository of kamailio version 3.2. So open your source list file
A kind of interesting SIP application.
In some situation is direct installation of precompiled kamailio packages from prepared repositories not appropriate. There is a simple way to keep a touch with latest kamailio releases with using GIT (an revision control system). The article describe a simple way how to manually compile and install Kamamilio and its module from source code offered through GIT.
Install kamailio from GIT
The table provides feature overview of ten open source SIP clients: