Good news, latest version of the Kamailio server can be installed using APT package tool. We just need add Kamailio repository to the /etc/apt/source.list .
From article DEB packages at
The original quick start docs for Kamailio 3.1.x are availbale at the kamailio site.
First, we will add Kamailio repository into our debian /apt/source.list, then we will not need download individual packages or making installation from source files.
The article describes how to add the MySQL support for the Kamailio 3.1.0 server. Activities described here are following the basic Kamailio server installation, described in the article Installing Kamailio 3.1 on debian lenny.
Installing Mysql server and mysql module for Kamailio
To use such persistant storage as a database we first need to install DB server, the Mysql here, and kamailio modules which the kamailio will use to connect into database, the kamailio-mysql-modules here.
Kamailio server provides the command line utility, usable for controlling server operations. One of such usage of the kamctl utility is monitoring the Kamailio server status. But in default Kamailio server configuration, the kamctl is returning following message indicatiing problem with FIFO used for kamctl communication with kamailio server
There are two official guides, the first one is at and, by my opinion, it is not good, probably writed for previous version of the Siremis and kamailio...following described steps is unable to install siremis version 2 with kamailio 3.1.x (six hour of troubleshooting).
Another manual is at, and it looks good.
This article continue on series of articles about the Kamailio 3.1.x SIP proxy deployed on debian lenny and its features. In previous articles we have:
There are lot of guides about installing FreeSwitch on Debian/Ubuntu. The official guide is at and another is at howtoforge. Ubuntu has deb packages even and we may use apt-get install (so easy). Debian lenny does not have bin packages. So we will install the freeswitch from the source.
This article continue on series of articles about the Kamailio 3.1.x SIP proxy deployed on debian lenny and its features. In previous articles we have:
Producer: BreakPoint Software