Download Siremis 4.1.0
Go to your desired folder (for example /var/www) and download Siremis from site
cd /var/www/ wget
Then extract Siremis folder from archive
tar -xvf siremis-4.1.0.tgz
Folder siremis-4.1.0 appears here.
Set web server
Edit apache file pointing to your old Siremis and set path to new Siremis folder
mcedit /etc/apache2/sites-availiable/default
Find alias pointing to your Siremis folder and update version from 3.2.0 to 4.1.0
Alias /siremis "/var/www/siremis-3.2.0/siremis" <Directory "/var/www/siremis-3.2.0/siremis">
Alias /siremis "/var/www/siremis-4.1.0/siremis" <Directory "/var/www/siremis-4.1.0/siremis">
Then move to your web root folder, apply changes and restart web server
cd /var/www make apache-conf service apache restart
Siremis local configuration
Go to Siremis folder
cd /var/www/siremis-4.1.0/
Last thing is to gain permission for your new Siremis
make prepare chown www-data:www-data -R *
Siremis install
Use web wizard to install Siremis
Just follow installation wizard.
On third page set valid kamailio and Siremis database names and passwords.
Uncheck all four checkboxes and click next. This should be all.
Use your old admin password to connect.