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A Survey of Open Source Products for Building a SIP Communication Platform

I’m placing here an article, about the SIP platforms and platform components. Hope help someone! 

Link to the full version:


Pavel Segec and Tatiana Kovacikova

Department of InfoCom Networks, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 8215/1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a multimedia signalling protocol that has evolved into a widely adopted communication
standard. The integration of SIP into existing IP networks has fostered IP networks becoming a convergence platformfor both realtime
and non-real-time multimedia communications. This converged platform integrates data, voice, video, presence, messaging,
and conference services into a single network that offers new communication experiences for users. The open source community
has contributed to SIP adoption through the development of open source software for both SIP clients and servers. In this paper, we
provide a survey on open SIP systems that can be built using publically available software.We identify SIP features for service development
and programming, services and applications of a SIP-converged platform, and the most important technologies supporting
SIP functionalities.We propose an advanced converged IP communication platformthat uses SIP for service delivery. The platformsupports
audio and video calls, along withmedia services such as audio conferences, voicemail, presence, and instant messaging.
Using SIP Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), the platform allows the deployment of advanced integrated services.
The platformis implemented with open source software. Architecture components run on standardized hardware with no need for
special purpose investments.

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