In many setups Kamailio is used as a PROXY server that takes care of routing calls to servers providing voice services, e.g. voicemail, IVR or conference calls.
There are a few things an administrator must keep in mind.
1. When routing amongst multiple media servers, there is a possibility of doing load balancing between them. In this case, the administrator needs to think carefully about the load balancing algorithm that is going to be used when determining where a call (from the exact user) should go. Maybe it is necessary to route calls from a specific user to a specific specific media server. Most common requirement is to route a call to server with minimum load. Also the administrator has to consider how to route calls with stateless proxy (simple hala-bala load balancing is obviously not a good solution).
2. If eventually one or more media servers become unreachable (for example due to network or config error) the Proxy needs to know this as soon as possible so it can stop routing the calls to that destination. Availability should be checked periodically. Basically there are 2 ways of doing this "keepalive" mechanism. The first is configuring the media servers to REGISTER to the proxy instance and maintain the registration in a normal "registration expire" way. Another approach is to ping the media servers from the proxy using OPTIONS request.
This article talks about possible ways of configuring a single Kamailio instance to provide these features. Please, keep in mind that this article talks about load balancing the calls to group of media servers. It does not talk about distributing the signaling load among multiple proxy instances. That means that after the configuration the proxy still remains a single point of failure and therefore this article should not be taken for high availability configuration example.
Kamailio offers two modules that can do load balancing.
PATH module
The path module uses "path" headers for forcing the SIP message to go to selected destination. This module offers a very basic functionality and does not offer any means of keepalive mechanism for the media servers. When using this module, it is possible to use the "registration based keepalive" mechanism. Before the message is routed to the destination, the proxy needs to check whether the destination is "online" or not. Also, a way of distinguishing the the media servers should be deployed. For example, it will be a good practice to register every media server under different SIP uri to avoid the parallel forking behaviour (or it can be simply turned off, but that can be undesired for the users). If there is a need to prefer one media server over others, that node can register with the "q" value in the contact header, indicating it has a higher priority. Node selection then can happen based on this value (for more information see the documentation of the TM module, specifically this section). The correct appearance of the q parameter in contact header should look like this:
Contact: "Mr. Watson" <>;q=0.7
note: the q parameter needs to be included AFTER the "< >" section, not inside it. Some media servers may include it inside when registering. Take care.
The dispatcher module on the other hand is more powerful. It offers load balancing capabilities (with several destination selection algorithms), failover routes (when a destination fails) and also a keepalive mechanism that is fully automatic. The following section describes how to configure Kamailio with dispatcher modules and what usage options the module offers.
Changes made to kamailio.cfg:
First we define a directive (in the "defined values" section) that will easily allow us to turn on/off the dispatcher capabilities.
In the "modules section", we load the module:
#!ifdef WITH_LOADBALANCE loadmodule "" #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_LOADBALANCE modparam("dispatcher", "db_url", DBURL) modparam("dispatcher", "table_name", "dispatcher") modparam("dispatcher", "flags", 2) modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(AVP_DST)") modparam("dispatcher", "grp_avp", "$avp(AVP_GRP)") modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(AVP_CNT)") #set next two parameters if you want to enable balance alg. no. 10 #modparam("dispatcher", "dstid_avp", "$avp(dsdstid)") #modparam("dispatcher", "ds_hash_size", 8) modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 20) modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_from", "") #modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_method", "INFO") modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1) modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_threshhold", 1) #configure codes or classes of SIP replies to list only allowed replies (i.e. when temporarily unavailable=480) modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_reply_codes", "class=2;code=480;code=404") #!endif
#!ifdef WITH_LOADBALANCE #you can customize the condition however you need. For example, request uri checking, specific header checking, etc. if (<CALL IS DESTINED FOR THE MEDIA SERVICES>) { #we go to the load balancer route route(LOADBALANCE); } else { #we perform normal usrloc lookup for the call route(LOCATION); } #!else # user location service route(LOCATION); #!endif
Next we define the new LOADBALANCE route.
#!ifdef WITH_LOADBALANCE route[LOADBALANCE1] { #ds_select_dst(destination_set, algorithm) function chooses the destination for the call. For this it can use a lot of algorithms. #Alg. 0 is the default one that does the the choosing over the call ID hash #Alg. 4 is a Round-Robin #Alg. 10 is the one that chooses the destination based on the minimum load of all destinations if(!ds_select_dst("0", "4")) { #if we are here that means no destination is available. We notify the user by 404 and exit the script. xlog("L_NOTICE", "No destination available!"); send_reply("404", "No destination"); exit; } xlog("L_DEBUG", "Routing call to <$ru> via <$du>\n"); #set the no_reply_recieved timeout to 2 second ... adjust the value to your need #note: The first value "0" is invite timeout .. we do not need to change it #This means that is the selected media server fails to respond within 2 seconds the failure_route "MANAGE_FAILURE" is called #note: this implies that ale the signaling from media servers on the way back to the user goes through the proxy as well t_set_fr(0,2000); t_on_failure("MANAGE_FAILURE"); return; } #!endif
Next we modify the failure_route so it looks like this:
# manage failure routing cases failure_route[MANAGE_FAILURE] { route(NATMANAGE); if (t_is_canceled()) { exit; } #!ifdef WITH_LOADBALANCE xlog("L_NOTICE", "Media server $du failed to answer, selecting other one!"); # next DST - only for 500 reply or local timeout (set by t_set_fr()) if (t_check_status("500") || t_branch_timeout() || !t_branch_replied()) { #we mark the destination Inactive and Probing ds_mark_dst("ip"); #select the new destination if(ds_next_dst()) { #again set local timeout for reply t_set_fr(0,2000); t_on_failure("MANAGE_FAILURE"); route(RELAY); exit; } else { #last available node failed to reply, no other destinations available send_reply("404", "No destination"); exit; } } #!endif ...
This means if the next selected destination fails to reply as well, again the next one will be selected. If even the last one of the destinations meanwhile fails, user is notified and the script ends.
And that's it for the configuration file. All that remains is to fill the databawe with available destination we want to route to.
As we specified in the configuration of the module, the database name is "dispatcher".
This is an example of using two media servers:
INSERT INTO dispatcher(setid, destination, flags, description) values (0, 'sip:<IP_ADDRESS_OF_ONE>:<PORT>', 2, 'mediaServer1'); INSERT INTO dispatcher(setid, destination, flags, description) values (0, 'sip:<IP_ADDRESS_OF_TWO>:<PORT>', 2, 'mediaServer2');
# kamctl dispatcher dump SET_NO:: 1 SET:: 0 URI:: sip:<IP_1>:<port> flags=AP priority=0 attrs= URI:: sip:<IP_2>:<port> flags=IP priority=0 attrs=
In this example we see that first destination is considered active (A flag) and will be put to probing state if it fails (P flag). The second destination is inactive (I flag) and in probing state (P flag).
Another useful enhancement is that dispatcher module allows the administrator to define event-routes in the routing logic that are called if a destinations changes state (UP/DOWN).
The following is an example of a "dst-down" route:
event_route[dispatcher:dst-down] { # DO SOME LOGGING HERE.. MAYBE NOTIFY SNMP SERVER }
This can also be done for the "dst-up" route.
This article talked about configuring Kamailio to load balance between multiple media servers, while providing failover in a simple manner (not an active one .. that means if the media server fails, call fails). Again, I would like to remind the reader that the Proxy still remains a single point of failure.
Any comments on this article are welcome.