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Diploma thesis using OPNET Modeler

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Title: OPNET – Simulation of UoZ network [Jozef Klačko]

Author: Jozef Klačko

Leader: Ing. Ľudovít Mikuš, PhD.

Abstrakt: The aim of diploma thesis is to create model of network backbone of University of Ţilina in OPNET Modeler. Then in created model simulate network transmission caused by e-learning and evaluate results of simulations. In addition is in this thesis described actual state of network, methods of modeling network traffic in OPNET Modeler and ways to speed up the simulation. There are examples of the behavior of network in case of line failure, examples of setting and using routing protocols and modeled network transmission. The results of the work are useful for preparation of implementation e-learning through e-courses and video lectures.

Keywords: OPNET Modeler, simulation, network, e-learning

Year: 2010



Title: Simulation model of Metro Ethernet with MPLS core network in OPNET Modeler

Author: Martin Majerský

Leader: Mgr. Jana Uramová, PhD.

Abstract: The diploma thesis deals with the creation of a network simulation model of Metro Ethernet with MPLS backbone in OPNET Modeler. The model describes the essential characteristics of technology in terms of quality of service mechanisms. The work contains information on modeling and simulation tool OPNET Modeler. Provides procedures to create simulation model in this tool. The aim of this thesis is to record and evaluate statistics on delays and losses in the network view of the triple-play services (voice, video, internet).

Key words: Ethernet, MPLS, quality of service, delay, paket loss.

Year: 2010



Title: Access network simulation in OPNET Modeler

Author: Martin Majerský

Leader: Mgr. Jana Uramová, PhD.

Abstract: The aim of diploma thesis is to create model of access network with FTTH, ADSL, Ethernet technologies in OPNET Modeler. Then in created model to measure statistics on delay and loses due to Triple-play services (voice, video, internet). Another objective is to design and implement improvements of the existing model of MEN and MPLS backbone networks for resistance to failure of lines, nodes and other potential. Implement the entire solution so that it is possible to link the new access part of the network with existing backbone. The work also examines the technologies used for network access and quality of service requirements. It describes the implementation of the access network and MPLS backbone network improvements. The work analyzes simulation experiments with created network

Key words: OPNET Modeler, simulation, access network, MPLS

Year: 2010


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