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OpenSer & Radius

Konfigurácia OpenSer-u a Radius-u na operačnom systéme Debian server


V tomto článku sa Vám budem snažiť popísať konfiguráciu openseru a radiusu.


 Architektúra VoIP služby:


Architektura VoIP 




1. FreeRadius server

2. Radiusclient

3. Openser 1.3


  1.  FreeRadius server
Apt-get install freeradius
  2.  Radiusclient 
Apt-get install libradiusclient-ng2 libradiusclient-ng-dev
  3.  OpenSer

Apt-get install openser openser-radius-modules

 Popis konfigurácie Openser dictionary:


 Openser vo svojej inštalácii obsahuje RADIUS dictionary, ktorý je potrebný pre komunikáciu s FreeRadius serverom. Štandardne je uložený v /etc/openser/dictionary.radius. V tomto súbore je potrebné mať zapnuté všetky SIP metódy. Prehľad týchto metód uvádzam v nasledujúcom configuračnom súbore:

#### Attributes ###
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Method 101 integer # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Response-Code 102 integer # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Cseq 103 string # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-To-Tag 104 string # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-From-Tag 105 string # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Translated-Request-URI 107 string # Proprietary, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Src-IP 108 string # Proprietary, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Src-Port 109 string # Proprietary, acc
ATTRIBUTE Digest-Response 206 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Uri-User 208 string # Proprietary, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Group 211 string # Proprietary, group_radius
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Rpid 213 string # Proprietary, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE SIP-AVP 225 string # Proprietary, avp_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-Realm 1063 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-Nonce 1064 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-Method 1065 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-URI 1066 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-QOP 1067 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-Algorithm 1068 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-Body-Digest 1069 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-CNonce 1070 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-Nonce-Count 1071 string # Sterman, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Digest-User-Name 1072 string # Sterman, auth_radius

### Acct-Status-Type Values ###
VALUE Acct-Status-Type Failed 15 # RFC2866, acc

### Service-Type Values ###
VALUE Service-Type Call-Check 10 # RFC2865, uri_radius
VALUE Service-Type Group-Check 12 # Proprietary, group_radius
VALUE Service-Type Sip-Session 15 # Schulzrinne, acc, auth_radius
VALUE Service-Type SIP-Caller-AVPs 30 # Proprietary, avp_radius
VALUE Service-Type SIP-Callee-AVPs 31 # Proprietary, avp_radius

### Sip-Method Values ###
VALUE Sip-Method Undefined 0
VALUE Sip-Method Invite 1
VALUE Sip-Method Cancel 2
VALUE Sip-Method Ack 4
VALUE Sip-Method Bye 8
VALUE Sip-Method Info 16
VALUE Sip-Method Options 32
VALUE Sip-Method Update 64
VALUE Sip-Method Register 128
VALUE Sip-Method Message 256
VALUE Sip-Method Subscribe 512
VALUE Sip-Method Notify 1024
VALUE Sip-Method Prack 2048
VALUE Sip-Method Refer 4096
VALUE Sip-Method Other 8192

VALUE Sip-Method INVITE 1 # Proprietary, acc
VALUE Sip-Method CANCEL 2 # Proprietary, acc
VALUE Sip-Method ACK 4 # Proprietary, acc
VALUE Sip-Method BYE 8 # Proprietary, acc

Po úprave tohto súboru je potrebné ho nakopírovať do adresára radiusclienta:

cp /etc/openser/dictionary.radius /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary.openser

Konfigurácia FreeRadius

Konfigurácia clienta vo freeradius

Freeradius dovoľuje pripojiť openser klienta len prostredníctvom Radiusclienta. Pre daný Openser nastavíme secret heslo a ip adresu, z ktorej sa openser pripája na freeradius. V našom prípade je Openser a Freeradius na jednom servri.

Editujeme súbor /etc/freeradius/clients.conf

client {
	secret		= testing123
	shortname	= localhost

Konfigurácia hlavného radiusd.conf súboru

V hlavnom konfiguračnom súbore, ktorý sa taktiež nachádza v adresári /etc/freeradius/ povolíme modul digest (odkomentovaním pôvodne zakomentovaného modulu).

Ďalším krokom je odkomentovanie autorizácie a autentifikácie. Odkomentujeme všetky riadky kde sa nachádza modul authorize a authenticate.

Výpis celého konfiguračného súboru radiusd.conf:

prefix = /usr
exec_prefix = /usr
sysconfdir = /etc
localstatedir = /var
sbindir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
logdir = /var/log/freeradius
raddbdir = /etc/freeradius
radacctdir = ${logdir}/radacct

#  Location of config and logfiles.
confdir = ${raddbdir}
run_dir = ${localstatedir}/run/freeradius

log_file = ${logdir}/radius.log
libdir = /usr/lib/freeradius

pidfile = ${run_dir}/

user = freerad
group = freerad

max_request_time = 30

delete_blocked_requests = no

cleanup_delay = 5

max_requests = 1024

#bind_address = localhost
#port = 0

listen {
	ipaddr = localhost
	port = 0
	type = auth

hostname_lookups = no
allow_core_dumps = no

regular_expressions	= yes
extended_expressions	= yes

log_stripped_names = no
log_auth = no
log_auth_badpass = no
log_auth_goodpass = no

usercollide = no

lower_user = no
lower_pass = no

nospace_user = no
nospace_pass = no

checkrad = ${sbindir}/checkrad

security {
	max_attributes = 200
	reject_delay = 1
	status_server = no

proxy_requests  = yes
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/proxy.conf

$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/clients.conf

snmp	= no
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/snmp.conf

thread pool {
	start_servers = 5
	max_servers = 32
	min_spare_servers = 3
	max_spare_servers = 10
	max_requests_per_server = 0

modules {
	pap {
		auto_header = yes
	chap {
		authtype = CHAP
	pam {
		pam_auth = radiusd
	unix {
		cache = no
		cache_reload = 600
		shadow = /etc/shadow
		radwtmp = ${logdir}/radwtmp
$INCLUDE ${confdir}/eap.conf
	mschap {
	ldap {
		server = "ldap.your.domain"
		basedn = "o=My Org,c=UA"
		filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"
		start_tls = no
		access_attr = "dialupAccess"
		dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap
		ldap_connections_number = 5
		timeout = 4
		timelimit = 3
		net_timeout = 1
	realm IPASS {
		format = prefix
		delimiter = "/"
		ignore_default = no
		ignore_null = no
	realm suffix {
		format = suffix
		delimiter = "@"
		ignore_default = no
		ignore_null = no
	realm realmpercent {
		format = suffix
		delimiter = "%"
		ignore_default = no
		ignore_null = no
	realm ntdomain {
		format = prefix
		delimiter = "\\"
		ignore_default = no
		ignore_null = no
	checkval {
		item-name = Calling-Station-Id
		check-name = Calling-Station-Id
		data-type = string
	preprocess {
		huntgroups = ${confdir}/huntgroups
		hints = ${confdir}/hints
		with_ascend_hack = no
		ascend_channels_per_line = 23
		with_ntdomain_hack = no
		with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
		with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
	files {
		usersfile = ${confdir}/users
		acctusersfile = ${confdir}/acct_users
		preproxy_usersfile = ${confdir}/preproxy_users
		compat = no
	detail {
		detailfile = ${radacctdir}/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d
		detailperm = 0600
	acct_unique {
		key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address, NAS-Port"
	$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sql.conf
	radutmp {
		filename = ${logdir}/radutmp
		username = %{User-Name}
		case_sensitive = yes
		check_with_nas = yes		
		perm = 0600
		callerid = "yes"
	radutmp sradutmp {
		filename = ${logdir}/sradutmp
		perm = 0644
		callerid = "no"
	attr_filter {
		attrsfile = ${confdir}/attrs
	counter daily {
		filename = ${raddbdir}/db.daily
		key = User-Name
		count-attribute = Acct-Session-Time
		reset = daily
		counter-name = Daily-Session-Time
		check-name = Max-Daily-Session
		allowed-servicetype = Framed-User
		cache-size = 5000
	sqlcounter dailycounter {
		counter-name = Daily-Session-Time
		check-name = Max-Daily-Session
		reply-name = Session-Timeout
		sqlmod-inst = sql
		key = User-Name
		reset = daily
		query = "SELECT SUM(AcctSessionTime - \
                 GREATEST((%b - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime)), 0)) \
                 FROM radacct WHERE UserName='%{%k}' AND \
                 UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime) + AcctSessionTime > '%b'"


	sqlcounter monthlycounter {
		counter-name = Monthly-Session-Time
		check-name = Max-Monthly-Session
		reply-name = Session-Timeout
		sqlmod-inst = sql
		key = User-Name
		reset = monthly
		query = "SELECT SUM(AcctSessionTime - \
                 GREATEST((%b - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime)), 0)) \
                 FROM radacct WHERE UserName='%{%k}' AND \
                 UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime) + AcctSessionTime > '%b'"
	always fail {
		rcode = fail
	always reject {
		rcode = reject
	always ok {
		rcode = ok
		simulcount = 0
		mpp = no
	expr {
	digest {
	exec {
		wait = yes
		input_pairs = request
	exec echo {
		wait = yes
		program = "/bin/echo %{User-Name}"
		input_pairs = request
		output_pairs = reply
	ippool main_pool {
		range-start =
		range-stop =
		netmask =
		cache-size = 800
		session-db = ${raddbdir}/db.ippool
		ip-index = ${raddbdir}/db.ipindex
		override = no
		maximum-timeout = 0

# Instantiation
instantiate {
authorize {

#  Authentication.
authenticate {
	Auth-Type PAP {
	Auth-Type CHAP {
	Auth-Type MS-CHAP {

#  Pre-accounting.  Decide which accounting type to use.
preacct {

#  Accounting.  Log the accounting data.
accounting {

session {

#  Post-Authentication
post-auth {
pre-proxy {
post-proxy {

Konfigurácia Freeradius dictionary súboru

V tomto kroku pridáme Openser radius dictionary do Freeradius dictionary.

Editujeme súbor /etc/freeradius/dictionary a pridáme nasledovný riadok:

$INCLUDE	/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary.openser

Pridávanie užívateľov do Freeradius databázy

Editujeme súbor /etc/freeradius/users a pridávame jednotlivých užívateľov podľa nasledovného vzoru:		User-Password := "test"

Konfigurácia RadiusClient-ng

Konfigurácia hlavného súboru radiusclient.conf

Hlavný konfiguračný súbor radiusclient.conf sa nachádza v adresári /etc/radiusclient-ng/. Tu je potrebné nastaviť autorizačný a autentifikačný server.

authserver 	localhost
acctserver 	localhost

Ostatné nastavenia si môžete porovnať s nasledovným výpisom:

auth_order	radius
login_tries	1
login_timeout	60
nologin /etc/nologin
issue	/etc/radiusclient-ng/issue
authserver 	localhost
acctserver localhost
servers /etc/radiusclient-ng/servers dictionary /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary login_radius /usr/sbin/login.radius seqfile /var/run/radius.seq mapfile /etc/radiusclient-ng/port-id-map default_realm radius_timeout 10 radius_retries 3 bindaddr localhost login_local /bin/login

Konfigurácia dictionary súboru v radiusclient-ng

Pridáme nasledovný riadok do súboru /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary:

$INCLUDE /etc/openser/dictionary.radius

Konfigurácia hlavného konfiguračného súboru OpenSer

Prikladám kompletný výpis konfiguračného súboru /etc/openser/openser.cfg

####### Global Parameters #########



/* odkomentovat ak chceme spustit openser v debugovacom rezime */


####### Modules Section ########


loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule "" # ----- mi_fifo params ----- modparam("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/tmp/openser_fifo") # ----- rr params ----- modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1) modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 0) # ----- rr params ----- modparam("registrar", "method_filtering", 1) # ----- acc params ----- modparam("acc", "early_media", 1) modparam("acc", "report_ack", 1) modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 1) modparam("acc", "detect_direction", 0) modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 3) modparam("acc", "log_flag", 1) modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 2) modparam("acc", "radius_flag", 1)
modparam("acc", "radius_missed_flag", 2)
modparam("acc", "radius_config", "/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf")
# ----- usrloc params ----- modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0) # -- group_radius params --
modparam("group_radius", "radius_config", "/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf")
modparam("group_radius", "use_domain", 1)
# -- auth_radius params --
modparam("auth_radius", "radius_config", "/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf")
modparam("auth_radius", "service_type", 15)
# -- avpops params -- modparam("avpops","use_domain",1) # -- avp_radius params --
modparam("avp_radius", "radius_config", "/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf")
modparam("avp_radius", "caller_service_type", 18)

# -- uri_radius params --
modparam("uri_radius", "radius_config", "/etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf")
modparam("uri_radius", "service_type", 11)
####### Routing Logic ######## # main request routing logic route{ if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) { sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops"); exit; } if (has_totag()) { if (loose_route()) { if (is_method("BYE")) { log (1, "BYE - STOP ACCOUNTING\n"); setflag(1); # do accouting ... setflag(3); # ... even if the transaction fails } route(1); } else { if ( is_method("ACK") ) { if ( t_check_trans() ) { t_relay(); exit; } else { exit; } } sl_send_reply("404","Not here"); } exit; } if (!method=="OPTIONS") setflag(3); if (is_method("CANCEL")) { log (1, "CANCEL - STOP ACCOUNTING\n"); if (t_check_trans()) t_relay(); exit; } t_check_trans(); if (!is_method("REGISTER|MESSAGE")) record_route(); if (is_method("INVITE")) { log(1, "INVITE MESSAGE RECEIVED - START ACC\n"); setflag(1); # do accouting setflag(2); } if (!uri==myself) { append_hf("P-hint: outbound\r\n"); route(1); } if (is_method("PUBLISH")) { sl_send_reply("503", "Service Unavailable"); exit; } if (is_method("REGISTER"))
{ if (!radius_www_authorize("")) { www_challenge("", "1"); exit; } if (!save("location")) sl_reply_error(); exit; } if ($rU==NULL) { # request with no Username in RURI sl_send_reply("484","Address Incomplete"); exit; } if (!lookup("location")) { switch ($retcode) { case -1: case -3: t_newtran(); t_reply("404", "Not Found"); exit; case -2: sl_send_reply("405", "Method Not Allowed"); exit; } } setflag(2); route(1); } route[1] { if (is_method("INVITE")) { t_on_branch("2"); t_on_reply("2"); t_on_failure("1"); } if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); }; exit; } branch_route[2] { xlog("new branch at $ru\n"); } onreply_route[2] { xlog("incoming reply\n"); } failure_route[1] { if (t_was_cancelled()) { exit; } }

Spustenie jednotlivých programov

/etc/init.d/freeradius start



Týmto by som chcel poďakovať p. Ing. Brunckovi, ktorý ochotne pomohol pri riešení problémov pri konfiguráciach a rozbehávaniu radiusu a opensera.


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