Analýza implementácie TLS v SIP klientoch
Autor: Mária Lednická, InžProjekt 1, KIS FRI ŽU 2014
Autor: Mária Lednická, InžProjekt 1, KIS FRI ŽU 2014
tshark is a command-line vrsion of powerfull Wireshark packet analyzer, which may be used for analyzing of DNS question/answer process. tshark is not preinstalled linux distributions. For debian we can installed it directly from the debian repository:
apt-get install tshark
tshark -f "udp port 53" -R "dns.qry.type == A and dns.flags.response == 0"
Autor: MELIŠ, Marek
Vedúci: Ing. Pavel Segeč, PhD.
Návod vypracoval: Andrián Krištof
Kamailio sa priamo nenachádza v balíčkových repozitároch Debianu. Je potrebné ho pridať. Stačí, ak do súboru /etc/apt/sources.list pridáme na koniec dva riadky:
Ako zakomentovať určité riadky:
označ virtual blok tvorený riadkami stlačením CTRL-V a šipkami vyber riadky
Obsahuje aj MS Introduction to IPv6 (Fajn zdroj s detailom popisov IPv6 hlaiviciek, IMPCv6, MLD, a pod.)
Till now there is no available manual how to upgrade directly form older versions of Kamailio to actual version of 4.0. Therefore we will upgrade with a middle step, first we upgrade from 3.2 to 3.3, and then from 3.3 to 3.4. Migration from 3.2 to Kamailio 3.3 and then to 4.0 requires upgrade of installed packages, database structures and configuration file.
First, we have to add correct debian repository of kamailio version 3.3. So open your apt source list file