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CCNA study – How to configure multiple IPv6 DHCP pools on a remote Cisco router

This config example shows how to configure three DHCPv6 pools for a network setup, where the DHCP server is running on a remote router. This situation had emerged during my remote CCNA lesson and it found me unprepared. The main problem is with the ipv6 dhcp server POOL command, that can be executed only once, all others rewrite the previous one. The solution is to use ipv6 dhcp server automatic or just pv6 dhcp server command with some additional pool command.


Configuration runs on GNS3 emulator. The Switch runs IOSv and is primarily used for the VLAN segmentation. In R1/R2 I’m using the older ISR platform (7200 15.4 IOS). CSR-1000v is also fine. Problems are with older 12.x IOSs, that do not support ipv6 dhcp server command. DHCPv6 servers/pools are configured on R2. DHCPv6 relay and nd config flags on R1 fa0/0 subinterfaces.

How to install Microstack on Virtualbox with Ubuntu guest OS

MicroStack is an OpenStack distribution for Ubuntu, which is suitable for the deployment of fully functional OpenStack on a single machine. Installation is quite straightforward.

My environment

  • Host system: Win 10 Pro 64bit
  • VirtualBox 6.1.25r 64bit
  • Guest System:
    • clear server install of Ubuntu 20.04.3 :LTS with bridged networking
    • 4GB of RAM
    • 4 vPCU
    • 100GB of HDD (the size is officially recommended, but mainly is used for hosting virtual VMs)

    Single node installation steps using snap

    Official guides use the snap system, where all applications are packaged with all their dependencies. All the microstack installation is relatively fast, taking no more than 15 minutes.

How to install Microstack on VMware with Ubuntu guest OS

Microstack is a pure upstream OpenStack distribution. It includes core OpenStack services and the most popular compute, network and storage options. Installation is fast and easy to perform.

My enviroment

  • VMware ESXI 6.7.0
  • Guest system:
    • server install of Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
    • static public IP address
    • 16GB RAM (8GB recommended)
    • 4 vCPU
    • 100GB of HDD (actual installation with one tiny instace of cirros running takes about 8GB of storage)

    Single-node installation steps using snap

    Official documentation uses the snap system for installation. The installation, together with initialization, will take about 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your internet speed and HW specification.

Netacad Packet tracer – how to activate Security feature for Cisco IOS and VPN labs

Cisco Packet Tracer (PT) simulator allows performing site-to-site VPN exercises. However, the security feature of the router’s IOSs is disabled by default and has to be enabled. Then required VPN commands (crypto and etc.) will be available. The activation is quite simple and functionality was tested for PT versions 7.3 and 8.0.1:

  1. Start the packet tracer and place an 1841/1941 router on a workspace or open an existing project that is using such routers

2. Open CLI and type show version. We may see that the security feature is not activated:

How to install DIG dns tool on windows 11

This guide explains how to install the dig dns tool on windows 11 in a few steps. It is just a little bit modified version of How to install DIG dns tool on windows 10 howtos.

1. First download the latest Bind9 executable for Windows. All ISC software is available at However, there is a message, that the latest win executable is 9.6.23, which we may download from the link 9.16.23.

Statefull NAT64 – simple configuration example on Cisco routers

The example shows a simplified configuration of a Statefull NAT64 demo, without DNS64. I instruct the stateful NAT64 router (CSR-1 – CSR100v) to translate IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets (and vice versa) using algorithmic mapping (defined by RFC 6052) of IPv4 addresses of IPv4 routers to and from IPv6 addresses by using manually defined IPv6 prefix 2001:db8::/96). In a similar manner, the IPv6 addresses of IPv6 routes are translated to and from IPv4 addresses.


R1/R2 run 7200 IOS image., R1 is pure IPv4 router, on the other site, R2 is IPv6 only.