Remote telnet access from an remote IP address (PC, NB) to an console of router which is running on different PC/server is common practise used within dynagen/dynamips environment. However it works within GNS3 too. I was looking how to setup it, here is a short guide for system environment with GNS3 version 1.2.3 installed on my notebook running Win 7 Pro 64 bit.
Here is a brief overview of situation. I would like to run a simple topo of one router inside of GNS3 on my NB (with IP address I need to access to the router console from a remote host with the IP address
Solution is very simple, first of all we need to enable an option inside of GNS which allows a remote access to any of local PC's (NB in my case) IP addresses. So open a new and clear GNS3 project without any running router. Go to Edit -> Preferecence and then choose GNS3 server
There is an option "Allow console connections to any local IP address" which have to be selected. Do it and click on Apply and Ok buttons. Then the windows system firewall will ask us for adding an exception allowing a remote telnet session.
Fnally we will check if it work. So put a new router instance on the place and start it. To know which ports the router is using move the mouse pointer over the router icon and we shoud be able to see an information which console and AUX ports are used:
Now open a telnet client on the remote host and connect!