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elsipo – the SIP HTTP browser

A kind of interesting SIP application.


Notes: Elsipo is a SIP (RFC3261) capable application that displays HTML content received via SIP. The initial User Interface can be loaded from a local HTML file or downloaded from a web server. Practically Elsipo is an HTML viewer, based on QTWebKit, capable of loading plugins. The first plugin implemented is named E_PJSIP, which add SIP communication support based on libpjsip.

E_PJSIP plugin exports to Elsipo HTML viewer a new Javascript class named ‘sip’ that can be used to initiate SIP events, such as voice calls or instant messages. The plugin executes also Javascript callback functions when SIP events are coming from the network.

To some extent, you can call Elsipo a SIP softphone with User Interface (UI) implemented in HTML, CSS and Javascript.



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