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JCE editor plugin – problém s inštaláciou

Po upgrade JCE admin komponenty vznikol problém s inštaláciou JCE editor plugin-u, kde joomla inštalátor hlásil chybu:


JFolder::files: Path does not point to a valid folder or the folder has been deleted. 
JFolder::folder: Path does not point to a valid folder or the folder has been deleted.
JFolder::files: Path does not point to a valid folder or the folder has been deleted.  
Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.

 na tomto linku je postup ako vykonať manuálnu inštaláciu….

vyskúšane, prebleho všetko ok.



JCE Editor 1.5.x Manual Installation

These instructions are for JCE 1.5.x and Joomla! 1.5.x. For JCE 1.1.x, see this tutorial –   JCE Editor Mambot 1.1.x Manual Installation

If for some reason you are unable to install the JCE Editor Plugin using the Joomla! Plugin installer, you can perform a manual installation. This will require ftp access to you site to upload the plugin’s files.


Step 1 – Upload the files

Extract all the files from the Jce Editor Plugin zip file to a location on your hard drive making sure you preserve all folder paths. You should be left with 2 files and a folder; jce.php, jce.xml and a folder called ‘jce’. The current, full path list can be found here .

Using an ftp client, log into your site and transfer these 2 files and the folder (including all its contents) to the plugins/editors directory located in your Joomla! site root directory.


Step 2 – Create a new Mambot

Log into the Administration section of your Joomla! site and click on the ‘Compionents->JCE Administration‘ or ‘Compionents->JCE Administration-> Control Panel‘ menu item.
If the Editor Plugin is not properly installed but you have copied its files correctly as detailed above, you will see an error message "Editor Plugin files exist but Editor Plugin is not installed – [Install Editor Plugin]". Click on [Install Editor Plugin].


After completing these steps, the JCE Editor Plugin will be installed.


If you receive the message below, the editor needs to be set as the Default WYSIWYG Editor in the Joomla! Configuration.


To do this:

  • Go to Site->Global Configuration.
  • Select ‘Editor – JCE 1.5.x’ from the ‘Default WYSIWYG Editor’ select list.
  • Click ‘Save’

It may also be necessary to assign the editor as the default to each individual user.

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